
Geographic location is an important factor to consider when searching for a job. Are you willing to relocate? 

Some things to consider:

  • What am I leaving behind, job-wise and friend and family-wise?
  • How much will a move cost? Does the hiring organization pay for relocation expenses?
  • How will quality of life differ? Or impact my family?
  • What is the cost of living? Compared to where you are now?
  • Is the new city a good fit for my and my family’s needs?
  • Am I prepared to take on the challenge of change and the unknown?

Relocation for New Graduates - Practical Steps:

  • Identify and connect with friends and family that live in the area you are considering relocating to. They can provide valuable information and insight, show you around town, and advise you on neighborhoods to look into. Additionally, you may be able to stay with them while looking for a place to rent. 
  • Prepare financially for the relocation as soon as possible. Save money for as long as you can.
    • The recommendation is to keep about three months saved up
  • Consider downsizing as much as you can
    • Less stuff to move is always a plus and the extra cash will be helpful in your move.
  • Consider getting a roommate
  • Learn and calculate the cost of living for the relocation area - make a budget
    • Cost of living can vary between states and cities. Things to consider: How much is rent, groceries and gas? How is public transportation? Does your rent include utilities? Use a Cost of Living Calculator to help with this. 
  • Research and discuss the company’s relocation package 
    • Does the company cover travel expenses for interviews (flight, hotel, food stipend, etc.)
    • Do they help with moving expenses (temporary housing, household good shipments)

Relocation Resources:

Below are some helpful resources to give you a better understanding of the relocation process.
What to consider once you have landed the job:
Livability: Find your best place to live