Carl Anderson


I was the co-recipient of the Michael G. Scott award in May, 2004. After receiving the award in May, I left for an internship with NOAA/NMFS Fisheries in Alaska four days after graduation. I worked for Humboldt Alumni, Mitch Lorenz at the Auke Bay Laboratory. Over the summer I worked on three different projects. I was a part of NMFS 2004 Sablefish Longline Survey between Dutch Harbor and Kodiak. I also helped assist a fellow college with his sleeper shark tagging project. The last bit of work dealt with Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) in Southeast Alaska 's estuaries.

As for now, I am back in school finishing my undergraduate degree in Fisheries Biology with a minor in Scientific Scuba Diving. I will be done with school in the fall and am presently looking for a job in the fisheries field. I plan on going to Alaska again next summer to work as a commercial fisherman, fishing for Dungeness Crab and Halibut.