Humboldt State University Department of Geology
Rainfall Frequency Maps for Northern California

The documents below are in gif format.

These maps were scanned from the USWB Precipitation Frequency Atlas of the Western U.S., v. XI: California.

2 year 6 hour rainfall (825K)

2 year 24 hour rainfall (863K)

5 year 6 hour rainfall (893K)

5 year 24 hour rainfall (852K)

10 year 6 hour rainfall (887K)

10 year 24 hour rainfall (847K)

25 year 6 hour rainfall (893K)

25 year 24 hour rainfall (838K)

50 year 6 hour rainfall (834K)

50 year 24 hour rainfall (911K)

100 year 6 hour rainfall (763K)

100 year 24 hour rainfall (896K)


Andre Lehre
Last updated: 4 October 2002

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