Workers' Compensation

Employees of Sponsored Programs Foundation (SPF) are covered for any injury/illness arising out of or in the course of employment, at no charge to the employee. Sedgwick CMS Services is the plan administrator for workers' compensation.

If an employee qualifies for workers' compensation, all approved medical bills will be paid in addition to any temporary or permanent disability payments to which an employee is entitled.

If an employee is unable to work as a result of a work-related injury or illness, he or she may be eligible to temporary disability payments which are paid at the rate of 2/3 of wages.  All job-related injuries or illnesses should be immediately reported to the employee's supervisor or Human Resources.  Please refer to the Injury and Claims Reporting Process "Guide".

Employees will be given an Employee's Claim for Workers' Compensation Benefits form to complete and return to Human Resources. Supervisors are required to complete a Supervisor’s Work Injury/Illness Report and return to Human Resources within 24 hours of the occurrence of the illness/injury.

If emergency care is required, employees should seek services from Mad River Hospital Emergency Room or St. Joseph's Hospital Emergency Room.  For SPF employees working out of the area, please seek services at any hospital emergency room. 

For non-emergency care, employees must contact Mad River Occupational Health Services to provide medical treatment for the first 30 days from the date of injury. For out of the area employees, please refer to the information provided in the SPF Injury and Claims Reporting Process "Guide".

However, if prior to an injury, Human Resources has been provided with a Predesignation of Personal Physician Form signed by a personal physician, employees may seek medical care from this physician immediately after injury. This pre-designation form is provided to employees upon hire. Under Labor Code Section 4600 (d) the designated physician must (1) be the employee's primary care physician, (2) have treated the employee in the past, (3) retain his or her medical records (including medical history), and (4) agree to be pre-designated.
