External Affairs Representative

  1. Attend bi-weekly ASC meetings;
  2. Attend Associated Students Council fall, week-end orientation/retreat and spring retreat;
  3. Provide the A.S. Council with complete and timely information and reports regarding meetings, pending state and national legislation affecting higher education and issues involving the CSU system;
  4. Be as active as possible, keeping current on any issues of importance;
  5. Coordinate arrangements for any council members that also wish to attend CSSA meetings as the budget may provide;
  6. Coordinate arrangements for council members (and other interested students) that wish to attend the
  7. California Higher Education Student Summit (CHESS) conference;
  8. Serve through the CSSA transitional meeting in June;
  9. Develop the CSSA budget request for the following year.
  10. Chair the Associated Students Lobby Corps.

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