Key Points for the Campus Community About the Events of April 22

May 7, 2024 - 2:32 p.m.

The University wants to acknowledge that this has been an extremely challenging time for Cal Poly Humboldt. It has also been a very emotional time for our campus community and beyond, and we have much work in front of us to reset, rebuild, and heal. To clarify misinformation and rumors, here’s a timeline of the events beginning on April 22. We invite people to continue to ask questions and more information will be coming.

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"Doc" Stull

Doc Stull with cane

Dr. Richard "Doc" Stull is a Humboldt State University/Cal Poly Humboldt Professor Emeritus in the Department of Kinesiology and Recreation Administration. Doc taught a credit class in Tai Chi Chuan at Humboldt for 26 years, and has practiced for 41 years. He is also a Certified Advanced Instructor in American Cane Self Defense (ACSD) Cane Flow and a direct student of ACSD Founder Grandmaster Joe Robaina. Doc is known for his creative and inspirational teaching which combines movement biomechanics, metaphor, and colorful storytelling.


OLLI Instructor