Google Brings Back "Shared with me"

March 4, 2015

"Shared with me" is back!

As of March 2, when you go to Google Drive you'll see the "Shared with me" view in the left-hand side navigation. It lets you see the files and folders other people have shared with you, beginning with the most recent.

You’ll also see:

  • A date stamp indicating when the file was shared with you.
  • The owner of the file or folder.
  • The document type.
  • Unopened files or files that have been been changed since you last viewed them. The file name will be in bold.

“Shared with me” only lists files and folders that include your email address in their share settings. You won’t see files with share settings set to “Anyone with the link” or “Public.” 

You'll find more information and usage tips on Google's Help Center.

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