Winter is Coming... What you can do to prepare!

December 10, 2015
While the recent round of rain is certainly nice given the ongoing drought we are in, it does mean we have to be a little extra careful. Especially if this is your first winter in Humboldt, there are a few things we all need to do to make sure we have a safe and happy holiday season.
First - don't panic! These kinds of storms are fairly commonplace in Humboldt County, and this one isn't the first, and it won't be the last. Power outages, high winds, and heavy rain are par for the course here.
Because this is such a regular occurrence, we have a Facilities team on campus that is  more than ready to handle whatever mother nature throws at us. If you see flooding storm drains, broken windows, downed power lines etc., do no not try to help on your own. Please, call Facilities at 707-826-3646 to report facilities-related issues.
As always though, please call 911 for any life-threatening emergency. Campus Police can also be reached at 707-826-5555 for non-emergencies as well.
You also should take a few steps to make sure you are personally prepared for winter weather. You can stay up to date on the latest weather conditions through the National Weather Service. Also, has tips on ways to get prepared for winter conditions, including building an emergency kit and making sure your vehicle is ready to handle the cold.
Finally, make sure your emergency contact information is up to date in the HSU Alert notification system, so that you ensure you'll receive emergency updates from HSU, should an emergency occur. Know that you can also call the INFO line (707-826-4636) or check the emergency conditions website if you want up to date information of the status of the campus.
Questions? Contact:
Willie Bence
Emergency Management Coordinator
(707) 826-4635


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