MSW Students published in Contemporary Rural Social Work Journal

MSW Students

This journal publication is authored by 4 of our MSW campus students graduating in 2019.  They wrote this for the SW:582 class and it was recently accepted in this journal:

Sex Trafficking and Rural Communities: A Review of the Literature

Ruby Aguirre, Cal Poly Humboldt
Katelyn Harris, Cal Poly Humboldt
Molly Rose Hilgenberg, Cal Poly Humboldt
Melody Soper, Cal Poly Humboldt
Pamela H. Bowers, Cal Poly Humboldt

Abstract - Sex trafficking is a pervasive threat across the globe and all fifty states of the United States, especially for underage female youth. However, there is a dearth of literature and awareness in domestic rural areas. Sex trafficking is a form of human trafficking that threatens all communities, including rural areas. This extended literature review looks closely at recent studies, and the grey literature to garner a better understanding of the implications for rural social work practice. The review concludes with recommendations and implications for future research, policy, and practice.