Humboldt State University

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Course Section Reports

The Course Section Reports (by subject areas) are generated by Chancellor's Office software using the APDB data (Academic Planning Data Base). The APDB includes class section and faculty appointment data for each term. This data is used for the calculation of Student/Faculty Ratios.

Faculty Assignments by Department (FAD) Reports

The FAD is one of the reports in the Academic Planning Data Base (APDB). It shows the faculty assigned to each department and the courses taught for a given term. Release time assignments are also shown along with totals for teaching load. Departmental total pages are included at the end of each department section. This report is NOT used to derive Student/Faculty Ratios.

FTEF and Faculty Headcount Reports

Full-time Equivalent Faculty (FTEF) and Headcount. Reports include breakdowns of FTEF by instructional faculty type, College, Department, etc.

Student Data Dashboards

Interactive Student Data Dashboards for executive overview of enrollment, retention, graduation rates, and achievment gaps

Degrees Awarded

Degrees awarded by programs for the most recent 10 years. Bachelor degrees, Masters, Credentials, and Minors are all provided by program and program options.

Graduation Rate Reports

Graduation rate reports for First-Time, Transfer, and Masters seeking students. Multiple-time frames are provided in addition to the standard IPEDS periods.

Program Participation Reports

Fall, Spring, and Academic Year average counts for all programs over a 10 year time period. Includes, Majors, Minors, Masters, Credentials, and program option breakouts.

Retention Reports

Complete retention reports for First_Time and Transfer student cohorts covering the most recent 10 years. Various demographics and key indicators are used in the breakouts.

Fundraising/Appeal Performance Report

If your department or program has recently solicited and/or received donations you can request a report of number of donors and amount received. If you make this request ahead of the solicitation more advanced metrics are available.

Alumni/Parent Communication List

A list of Alumni and or parent addresses, emails, or phone numbers to be used for general communication
