Other Fees

A break down of other fees
Fee Breakdown Amount
Administrative charge for withdrawing or dropping to lower fee category $27.00
Application fee $70.00
Application for graduation (diploma/commencement) $64.00
Check/e-check returned fee $25.00
Replacement diploma/cover $25.00
Failure to meet administratively required appointment or time limit fee $2-30.00
Orientation Program Fee $50.00
Identification card fee (or replacement) $5.00
Late registration fee $25.00
Late add or drop fee per course (deadline two weeks after instruction begins) $20.00
Late payment fee $30.00
Library fines $5.00 to $25.00
Library lost book fee Replacement Value
Parking Fee (per Semester)
Automobiles $157.50
Motorcycles, Motorized Bicycles $40.00
First Transcript $4.00
2nd through 5th additional transcript (must be prepared at the same time as first) $2.00 each