Humboldt State University

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Academic Departments

Student Data Dashboards

Interactive Student Data Dashboards for executive overview of enrollment, retention, graduation rates, and achievment gaps

Degrees Awarded

Degrees awarded by programs for the most recent 10 years. Bachelor degrees, Masters, Credentials, and Minors are all provided by program and program options.

Student Right to Know

Student-Right-to-Know Retention and Graduation Rates required by U.S. Department of Education

Graduation Rate Reports

Graduation rate reports for First-Time, Transfer, and Masters seeking students. Multiple-time frames are provided in addition to the standard IPEDS periods.

Program Participation Reports

Fall, Spring, and Academic Year average counts for all programs over a 10 year time period. Includes, Majors, Minors, Masters, Credentials, and program option breakouts.

Retention Reports

Complete retention reports for First_Time and Transfer student cohorts covering the most recent 10 years. Various demographics and key indicators are used in the breakouts.

Program Review Data Sheets (PREP)

Individual data sheets for Major Programs, Minors, and Course Subject Areas. These are used for the formal program review process as well as a variety of program-specific needs. Class offerings and enrollment data is available as well.

Fundraising/Appeal Performance Report

If your department or program has recently solicited and/or received donations you can request a report of number of donors and amount received. If you make this request ahead of the solicitation more advanced metrics are available.

Alumni/Parent Communication List

A list of Alumni and or parent addresses, emails, or phone numbers to be used for general communication

Donor Communication List

A list of donors typically used to either thank them for their gifts or solicit another gift. Users can request a list of any communication method, phone, mail, email, etc. The file will be typically delivered in excel format.
